Systems and Software Engineering Symposium - Detroit, MI - March 25th
Please join IBM Rational® for the Detroit Systems and Software Engineering Symposium to learn how new solutions and technologies are helping to lead the innovation agenda while addressing the complexity challenge. This event will focus on systems and software development. We will feature sessions around industry best practices and the core processes of requirements management, architecture and design, collaboration, change and configuration management, and test and quality management. It will also give you an excellent opportunity to improve your skills, network and collaborate with other customers and industry experts.
Topics will include:
An Automotive Engineering Platform for the Future
Three reasons to use Rational for Unmanned Systems
Tackling the increasing complexity of systems lifecycle data
– Introducing Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM)
Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Overview
The V is dead! Long live the new V with continuous
Verification and Validation across the full V!
UPDM, a UML/SysML Implementation of DoDAF/MoDAF for
Military and Commercial Architectures
Panel: DOORS=Success: Experts discuss why they rely on
IBM Rational DOORS for managing requirements
IBM Research – The future of Systems Engineering
Engineering Safety Critical Automotive Systems Complying
with ISO26262
Panel: Driving quality and compliance for ground vehicle
And many more!
For more information and to register go to