IBM Rational Systems Engineering Symposium & FREE Rational Workshops – Cambridge, MA – Starting September 8, 2014


IBM Rational Systems Engineering Symposium - Cambridge, MA - September 9, 2014 and Free Hands-On Workshops starting on September 8, 2014
Please join us for the Rational® Systems Engineering Symposium to be held next Tuesday, September 9th, at the new IBM Innovation center in Cambridge, MA. Learn how IBM® Rational is helping to lead the innovation agenda in product and systems development.  Industry experts will discuss applying system engineering best practices with measurable benefits, and provide customer examples.

This event will focus on the IBM Rational Solution for Systems and Software Engineering – with sessions around each of the core processes of requirements management, architecture and design, collaboration, change and configuration management, and test and quality management.  You will see how the integrated tools and guidance for executing best practices from IBM Rational enable lifecycle collaboration and workflows to create and manage the work products essential to systems and software engineering.

Below is just a subset of the topics to be covered:
•    Keynote: Interconnected Machines; the Industrial Internet How Robots and Unmanned Vehicles are impacting our world·
•    Designing Safety Critical Software
•    Strategic re-use across the Engineering Lifecycle
•    The Rational Solution for Systems & Software Engineering
•    Techniques and Benefits of Incorporating Safety and Security analysis into a model based system Engineering environment
•    Presentations, demos and hands-on training on DOORS, DOORS NG, SA, RQM, RTC, Rhapsody and more
•    Panels and Roundtable discussions focused on Systems Engineering, Medical Devices and Aerospace & Defense
•    Networking Cafe and reception to follow event

Lunch and parking will be included.

To view the detailed agenda and to register for the Symposium & workshops go to: You must register separately for each workshop and for the Symp0sium.

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